> RE Handbook 2021-2022 (PDF)
> Archdiocese of Chicago COVID-19 Safety Protocols (PDF)
Welcome to the new Religious Education Program of St Paul VI Parish, the unified effort of the people of St. Hugh, Mater Christi, and St. Mary! As a ministry of the parish, the goal of the program is to help our students form a lasting and meaningful relationship with Christ. We will bring together all the sacred and meaningful traditions of the three programs as well as new ideas and initiatives into the Faith Formation Program of St. Paul VI. You will notice plenty of new and exciting things for our students blended with the familiar activities and people that they have come to know and love!
As we work to create this program, we want to thank everyone for volunteering in Religious Education, but most especially want to thank the catechists that have donated countless hours of their time to share their faith with our young people. The program is not possible without all these dedicated individuals. We pray that all the catechists from each of the programs continue their call to the Ministry of Catechesis and become familiar faces for the students that they worked with over the years. We also pray that you consider who in your family might be called to this vocation. The most important qualification for this ministry is to be open to sharing the joy of your faith with others. We will support you with all the logistical and educational components to make you successful in the classroom; you need only bring your enthusiasm for Christ! Please contact the Office of Faith Formation if you are interested or know someone that we should contact about this ministry.
We are excited to have the St. Hugh Faith Formation Center available for our use this Fall. Formerly the Mater Christi school building (2400 S. 10th Ave., North Riverside), the St. Hugh Center will be space dedicated for students of all ages to come together in community to explore their faith. With this center, our plan is to have all religious education classes take place in person beginning in September. While we have learned much this year about reaching people remotely, we have also learned the importance of gathering as a community in the name of Christ. All Archdiocesan safety precautions will be strictly followed to ensure that your children are safe while in our care.
The following sessions will be available. Additional times may be added as needed.
- Saturday Morning - 8 am - 9:30 am
- Sunday Morning - 9:15 am - 10:45 am
- Sunday Afternoon - 11:15 am - 12:45 pm
- Tuesday Evening - 5 pm - 6:30 pm
To provide in person classes for all students that desire them, we will need everyone to help! When registration information is sent out soon, we will also ask every family to pick at least one place where they are willing to give of their time to make our program successful. We also need and welcome high school students to volunteer to help, as there is nothing more powerful for our children than seeing young adults embrace their faith.
Finally, many of you have been asking about tuition. As part of the evaluation of all the Religious Education programs, we considered the tuition at each of the churches and examined expected program costs for the year. After prayerful consideration, we have set the tuition for the 2021-22 year to be $175 per student with additional fees for sacramental preparation.
Budget analysis shows that when all factors of the program (textbooks, bibles, workbooks, special programs, and salaries) are considered, the average cost to shepherd a child through one year of religious education is approximately $325. We ask that each family consider an additional gift to the program or a monthly gift to St. Paul VI Parish to help “fund the gap” between the tuition and the actual cost per child. Our hope is that each family will give according to their ability so that our program can continue to grow and thrive.
Please know that financial difficulty will never be a factor for a child to receive formation and all families, regardless of their ability to pay, are welcome in our program. Scholarships are available on a case-by-case basis and payment plans are available. Please call the Office of Faith Formation for more details.
We look forward to hearing from you and bringing our faith communities together to further our children’s faith journeys. St. Paul VI, pray for us!
May God Bless You,
Elizabeth Kos and Julie Paitl
St. Paul VI Religious Education Team
(708) 447-1020 - stpaulvire@stpaulviparish.org

Please feel free to contact the Parish Office for any question you may have at (708) 447-1020
“Let us not grow weary of doing good.” (Galatians 6:9)